Production fell in both the EA17 and EU27.
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Housing starts in June were 9.9 below May, however.
The company reported a profit for the quarter, compared to a year-ago loss.
Cessna, Bell and finance segment sales declined; Textron Systems and industrial sales increased.
Six-month sales increased 12.4 percent.
Activity remained in positive territory.
CEO: Strong automotive and weaker industrial business affected results.
Largest sales gain seen in the Canadian chemical industry.
The slight increase followed flat growth in May.
Manufacturing Revival Radio talks with CFE Media.
This webcast transcript presents what’s ahead for the economy and wholesale distribution in 2013.
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Bein: ‘It’s impossible for the majority of distributors to deliver more than their competitors.’
No matter the size of a company, challenges exist to implementing new pricing policies.
CEO: Fastenals 30,000-machine goal for 2013 was overzealous.
The acquisition of KVT-Fastening drove much of the increase.
The acquisition will provide Kaman entry into the Cleveland market.
Prices for finished goods moved up 2.5 percent for the 12 months ended June.
Respondents to the second-quarter MDM-Baird Distribution Survey see continued hesitation for permanent investments.
A summary of key distribution deals and what they mean in June 2013.
The slight decline followed a slight April increase.