Companies have the most difficulty with a lack of consistent pricing across channels, technology issues and poor online customer experience. Read More.
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MDMs most-read blogs from the past month hit on recruiting, culture and customer service as main points of focus for our readers. Follow the links to read more.
Artificial intelligence technology will be an invaluable asset to early movers in distribution, but can pose a serious risk for non-adapters.
The latest generation is looking for an employer committed to environmental advocacy, inclusivity and equality, says Gen Z expert Corey Seemiller, Ph.D. In an MDM Q&A, she shares how distributors can create a culture that appeals to young workers. Read More.
Nearly every product you sell will soon be readily available, online, from other sellers who can deliver quickly, too.
As we enter the season for retrospection and planning for the coming year, there were two sessions at the recent Power Transmission Distributors Associations Industry Summit that hit on both of these activities in simple terms that, when acted upon, can put distributors in a stronger position heading into 2020.
Crescent Electric president & CEO to retire after 41 years.
The right data analytics can help distributors avoid falling behind the competition.
Seemingly obvious streams of payoff can be mirages at best, or quicksand at worst, says Jonathan Byrnes of Profit Isle in a new podcast.
Play the role of a critical customer, focusing on availability, urgency, reliability, accuracy and individual SKU characteristics.
MDMs Tom Gale recaps highlights of our latest webcast with Mike Marks on the key factors to position for growth in the year ahead.
A group of soon-to-be graduates from Texas A&Ms Industrial Distribution program opened up to attendees at PTDAs recent conference.
Consumer experiences are quickly carrying over into the buying expectations of B2B customers.
Theres a quote about not letting a good crisis go to waste; it can provide an opportunity to leverage whatever disruption is in play to address other issues in addition to the main event. Thats a great mindset to think about 2020.
This driving force determines where we direct our energy, efforts and passion both personally and professionally.
No two distributors are fully alike in the characteristics of their businesses and their pricing environments.
Lessons from a longtime Disney executive on how to grow leadership and employees in the service mindset.
Distribution industry loses leading thinker in inventory management and asset optimization.