The existence of AI does not mean data will be fixed automatically, more data will produce better outcomes or that the AI is ready to create out-of-the-box solutions.
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Long-term focus includes talent, culture and transformation.
In a recent MDM webcast, Mike Marks explains how, when it comes to meeting customers’ needs, a distributor is better equipped than a $25 billion giant.
A few market-leading distributors announced acquisitions last month, but overall M&A activity continued at a moderate pace in March.
With deals poised to accelerate throughout 2021, Reed Anderson of Houlihan Lokey explains an important step for any distributor looking to sell — document what your company did to cope with COVID.
MDM’s inaugural industry awards recognize the exceptional job performance and overall industry influence of women in the traditionally male-dominated field of distribution.
Analytics-based policies & price breaks change everything, says Randy MacLean, president of WayPoint Analytics.
Challenge your thinking and embrace new ideas to rethink your company’s path forward.
Optimize your product portfolio, shift your pricing strategy, place your product properly and re-think your promotion strategy, says Revenue Management Labs' Anthony Guarnaccia.
Conduct an assessment, audit your current system, don't forget about proper signage and then regularly test your system to create a safety-first environment.
Strong taxonomy and product data allow functions such as attribute filters and indexable search to be possible. Here are four key functions that show how product data can make or break the user experience.
The pandemic caused real change. Now we have the opportunity to push digital transformation further and faster into the distribution industry. That’s a long-term win, says's Benj Cohen.
How did the public distributors (and manufacturers relevant to this space) perform in the calendar fourth quarter? Our recap provides highlights of their revenue and earnings results.
Distributors ADI Global and D&H Distributing saw jumps in customer service requests, including significantly longer call times, over the last year. Here's how they handled the spike.
If you look around your organization and you see policies and processes that haven’t changed in years, you need to worry. If the consensus is you’re “under margin pressure” and “customer loyalty” has evaporated, those are warning bells alerting you to the lack of necessary and critical change in your company.
Disruptive developments brought on by the pandemic impacted distributor price management for the short-term, but may also permanently alter key aspects of pricing moving forward, says consultant Lee Nyari.
MDM’s first-ever Future of Distribution Summit will take place online on Tuesday, April 13.
As platform strategy 101 tells us: the technology is a commodity. The power is in the network. As a result, Applico is seeing two types of marketplace technology providers: SaaS (software as a service) and, more recently, MaaS (marketplace as a service).
How the adjustments that Amazon made during pandemic will have ramifications even after a return to normalcy.
B2B e-commerce vets Brian Beck and Andy Hoar will launch on March 30 their new MasterB2B online video series. Billed as “the un-webinar,” Beck and Hoar will welcome industry guests in regular lively discussions.