To remain competitive, B2B sales organizations can reassess their sales infrastructure and identify new strategies to promote business agility.
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Analytics on transactional data, sales force input and customer input via surveys and interviews can all inform customer buying criteria.
What seems to endure is customers’ desire to work with partners they can rely on, with people they can trust.
With the right strategies, distributors can reduce price/cost volatility impacts by using predictive analytics and evaluating cost pass-through methods.
November continued an upward trend in mergers and acquisitions seen during the prior month, as well as during this year’s third quarter.
Some sectors see price increases beyond expected pandemic-related turbulence while job growth levels reflect larger national trend.
Whether an Amazon-style fast-shipping and delivery experience is necessary in B2B e-commerce may depend on who you ask.
Post-pandemic, traditional operations will no longer be sufficient. Consumers expect businesses to provide quality digital experiences.
Recruitment today is a two-way street: The best talent is landing with those employers thinking outside the traditional hiring process box.
New ways of thinking about P2P automation in distribution include five areas where automating procure-to-pay will have a direct impact.
How distributors will plan and adapt for 2022. Actionable insights to build profitable revenue and market share growth.
Ongoing inflation and supply chain issues likely to impact growth projections into next year.
Jinny Kcehowski, associate director of training and development at Curbell, says companies can benefit from robust learning directives.
Larson’s Matt Wisniewski provides a blueprint for how, and why, distributors can craft their own inside-out sales transformation.
Just as you have to compartmentalize and adapt production processes for agile manufacturing, distributors can create a compartmentalized sales infrastructure that adapts to changing demands.
Rexel’s $456 million acquisition of Mayer Electric was just one of the notable transactions to reshape distribution last month.
Key account programs need constant measurement and engagement to avoid taking revenue-generating resources from other growth initiatives.
At the recent PTDA Industry Summit, futurist Simon Anderson shared how electric, blockchain and AI will reshape distribution.
As your company adjusts its hiring strategy, here's what distributors can keep in mind when hiring shift workers.
E-commerce data may be more important than products you sell. Why? For one, your troves of data are helpful to manufacturers and customers.