Distributors ADI Global and D&H Distributing saw jumps in customer service requests, including significantly longer call times, over the last year. Here's how they handled the spike.
Posts By Mike Robuck
The retail giant fires a shot across the bow of other large distributors by scaling up local fulfillment centers using automation.
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The impact of taxes during the M&A decision-making process is expected to be elevated in 2021.
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How the adjustments that Amazon made during pandemic will have ramifications even after a return to normalcy.
The pandemic has placed some business owners at a crossroads as to whether they should sell off to larger entities in 2021. By almost any measure, the mergers and acquisition market is set to rebound this year, but with that reset there are several factors to consider when it comes to selling out to distributors.
While e-commerce platforms and marketplaces aren’t new, the pandemic is fueling the need for distributors to take a harder look at them. The latest MDM webcast featured Zoro's Tracy Buelow breaking down how distributors can have a successful presence online.
To make this a successful year, distributors looking to grow their businesses are likely to improve their chances if they grow their digital capabilities, said industry experts Diane Yarrow and David Saunders.