Push the envelope on creating value for your customers in 2012.
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Push the envelope on creating value for your customers in 2012.
Concerns about keeping up with a competitor’s tactics, or, conversely, enjoying the satisfaction of tactical gains can blind management to broader, more subtle opportunities.
Why companies can meet sales targets but still lose money, and other questions executives want answers to.
There are four essential steps in successfully managing your customers’ RFPs.
Don’t be fooled by common thinking that can actually lead to a major drain on profitability.
Accounting is good at providing financial information, but not at providing managing control information.
A rep with a compelling value proposition will quickly attract C-level attention.
If you don’t actively manage for profitability, you are sliding toward failure.
These days, leading companies form different relationships with different customers, each with different characteristics and profitability.
When was the last time you examined “the way you’ve always done things”?
Good strategy will almost always beat a good product.
The problem with traditional forecasting is that it is too aggregated and passive to be consistently accurate.
Avoid large-scale change efforts by developing ongoing processes to adapt to change as it comes.
In the absence of strategy, factions often focus on squabbling about who wins.
Does your company give too much credit to crisis response, and not enough to preventative maintenance?
How less accuracy may help you improve profitability faster.
Many of the assumptions we make about how customers will react to customer service & other customer-facing activities are misleading and incorrect.
A few very well-run companies have learned to management demand in a dynamic & responsive way.
Paving the cowpaths is often an effective first step in sweeping, paradigmatic change.
Is your objective to maximize average satisfaction? Or is your objective to maximize profitability and growth? These are not necessarily linked.
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